[ATTACH] [ATTACH] There was a little room left, so I took 6 rounds off the end of what is quite possibly the longest straightest tree that I’ve...
But seriously buZZsaw BRAD is right hang out here and ask questions and you will learn a lot. County extension is a good idea also. Not sure I...
Yep, even runs a hydraulic splitter these days. Now if we can do something about his preferred brand of chainsaws. :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
It was a beautiful day here so I went to get some wood for the stash at work. With this thread in mind I paid a lot closer attention to the actual...
Do you mind if I ask how much you sold it for?
Hmmmm, let’s see, oak, hickory, and sugar maple. So in my area, that would be 3 unicorns in the same pickup bed. That’s never happened and never...
I was thinking cottonwood to begin with but said white poplar. I thought the OP dismissed cottonwood right off the bat. But upon further review...
Nothing to do with firewood or chainsaws but I like this guy’s style. Very educational https://m.youtube.com/@king.coleman
White poplar maybe?:confused:
Seems like by the time you got a cord of them stacked up, they would get kinda smelly before they were dry enough to burn.
Looks a lot like black walnut once you get it split. I darn sure wouldn’t want to hand split much of it. I’ve heard it can be pretty desirable...
Probably his honey hole for basswood
Looks a lot like me heading out to a big score. I got so much crap, so many saws and other “necessary” paraphernalia in the pickup that I have to...
My dad had 2? Mini Mac’s when I was a wee boy. I ended up with them. Before I was “into” saws I let a local guy work on it and it never ran again...
I saw bar oil in a TSC yesterday for $5.49. And didn’t grab any.
I would’ve got seven right with no help. Might have done better if I’d got a book out.
Yeah now I’m seeing elm
A quick google search and Wikipedia would have one believe that the human race would probably not be any worse off if’n it was to become extinct....
Yeah I think I’ve heard of it being used much like hedge for conservation efforts. It seems to do best in unmaintained wetter areas
More of a shrub almost, often growing almost horizontally just up above the root flare and ground level, lots of thorns, lots of sprouts and...