Got it, thanks!
I think I might be closer to 4 cords than 3 this year. Lots colder here this year over the past few.
Ignorant here. What is running gear?
Nice looking rounds. Hoard on!
Thanks for the pics!
Good morning, members. Winter continues with snow falling early this evening, 17⁰/29⁰ mostly overcast. We're to get several hours of snow...
Good morning, members. Bright moon shining. 24⁰/33⁰ gusty winds. Clear and sunny. I'll be moving wood to the deck. There's a long duration...
Nice! Best of luck with it!
I realized earlier that my snow shovel can double as a water shovel! Driveway full of watery slush.
Good wintry morning, members. About an inch of snow fell overnight. freezing rain is putting a layer of ice on top. 29⁰/40⁰ I need to take...
Good morning, members. Drab day ahead. 23⁰/32⁰ overcast. Snow/ice rolls through tonight. Mom's birthday went well! My brother came down...
I hope you're doing well and that things are going in your favor!:salute:
I knew... I knew!!
My understanding of water hammer is when water is actively flowing and then quickly shuts off. The energy in the moving water has to go somewhere...
Nice arrangement! I hope there's enough of your preferred spieces! Ever see any BL there?
Good morning, members. Cold sunny day here - 10⁰/33⁰ clouds later I'll bring some wood to the deck before heading out to do some grocery...
Good morning, members. Decent day ahead. 21⁰/33⁰ sunny. I'm off to the dentist this morning. Scheduled cleaning. No plans the rest of the...
Best of luck with it!
I had a coupon for a buck off. Works for me!
With boxed mac&cheese(extra American cheese), and veggies which makes it all healthy!! Washed down with Sam Adam's Cold Snap.[ATTACH]