Good morning, members. Decent day ahead. 24⁰/48⁰ some clouds. Yesterday's morning walk felt so good, I'll do it again today. Grocery...
Good morning, members. Still winter here. 10⁰/31⁰ sunny. Less windy. I'm hoping to go for a walk this morning. I need to get back to moving...
"Every 3 year plan begins with a single split!" -- MikeinMa. :cool:
Good morning, members. Winter returned. 15⁰/33⁰ breezy. About 3pm yesterday it was sunny and 55⁰. An hour later it was 35⁰ and snowing...
It's that time of year.. [MEDIA]
My woodyard has been like that. frozen slush. Any kind of added traction under foot, is the way to go!
Nice score! What year?
Good morning, members. Nice spring-like day ahead 38⁰/55⁰ chance of showers. I had a decent night's sleep. I'm meeting an ex-coworker over...
The oral surgeon went ahead and pulled the tooth. Glad to have it gone. Should not impact my winter camping trip. :banana: Material packed in...
They let you get that close???:whistle:
The local drive-in had that spinning playground thing. It also had the taller bell-shaped one that kids would run around on the inside avoiding...
Good morning, members. Nice day ahead. 33⁰/45⁰ sunny I'm hoping to be able to bring wood to the deck rack. My stamina this week has been...
If'n it smells like root beer, then it's Sassafras.
The biggest bird I've seen so close to the house. It stuck around long enough for pictures [ATTACH] [ATTACH] A broad winged hawk, I believe
Good rainy morning, members. 32⁰/49⁰ no sun kind of day. Showers off/on through the day. More Melting! Mrs MikeInMa got new glasses...
I'll find put more about the extraction on Friday. I gave no real details, at the moment.
Good morning, members. Another nice day, 34⁰/50⁰ sunny. More melting! A check-in with my dentist this morning. His main concern is with the...
Good to know, thanks! The infusion folks suggested yogurt, which we already have in the fridge. I'll look for Florajen. :salute:
Good morning, members. Spring type of day ahead. 33⁰/53⁰ sunny. more melting!! The tooth pain is gone. The swelling and infection...
Stanley? [ATTACH] From - Stanley Axes