Coffee tree bark always throws me off, I feel like it varies quite a bit. The pods though are what make it pretty distinct. More banana shaped...
Today's breakfast: [ATTACH]
I'll usually buy choice, but the marbling on these prime cuts was looking very nice to me. My dad is always a prime cut guy and insists on it but...
Breakfast today...eggs, chorizo, hashbrowns, toast...off the blackstone [ATTACH]
Anyone else like Costco ribeyes as much as me? Most of our beef I buy from a local farmer but I can never resist the fat ribeyes at Costco......
That said, I'll play a little catch up. All of these are just random meals off the blackstone, which I've grown quite fond of. Helps me re-live my...
I have that issue too with my phone! Partly why I stopped posting so much, but try screen shotting your pic on your phone and post the screen...
My first ever scrounge was a bunch of box elder which at the time I thought was ash. Pretty terrible wood, but it was years ago and I can't even...
I love sugar maple, and I don't get it very often around here compared to silver or Norway. Ash is always desirable too. Great score!
Looks good, never heard of them. Although at this point it's impossible to keep up with all the breweries around NY. I find when I'm looking to...
My PE T5 only gets loaded N/S as that's how it's designed. The air in at the front and burns front to back. Once it's all settled in you can turn...
My neighbor has a small equipment trailer he always offers to let me borrow but knowing how easy it is to beat up trailers with big rounds I'd...
You know what's interesting about that.....as I was splitting this stuff I almost described it as a locusty scent. That sweet ish smell. Now you...
Some rounds were stringier than others. I wouldn't say this was standing dead at all though there were some areas of the pith rotting toward the...
If I had a trailer I could just roll the rounds up on to it wouldn't have been an issue. Instead I put rounds on the ground near the tailgate as...
I knew it beat me up too much to be oak!
Very often cut into about 10" lengths! The worst!
Went the first day after work totally unprepared and managed a few longer maple rounds into the truck as well as some 16" rounds. Everything else...
Shag is more common around here but not often is it up for grabs. This will all go into my 3 year rotation. The whole deal was kind of sketchy....