WE gonna get bitch slapped all the rest of this week around my parts and then the highs will be around 12F thrn subtract the wind chill factor...
Got a new blower couple years back wasn't cheap- plastic skids? @#$%^&*(), its got 1/2" thick steel shoes on it now. Likely outlast the rest of...
Bricks can be made both by extrusion or compression in a form, yep. giant pellets. regular pellets can be made by extrusion through a die plate...
I have seen a couple pop up around me, priced as new including shipping. No deals there. Problem I gather is fixing what wasn't built right or...
I pulled off a lucky? shot with my 16 auto 5 60+ yards on a pheasant going full bore with my 2 brits in full pursuit. Witnessed by my 3 hunting...
I would opt for an additional barrel, that would have swap-able choke tubes. Reaming those old barrels out can be quite the chore. I also have...
weld a couple cross bars maybe 4" thick on face of foot plate or drill an tap a couple bolts through it extending just a bit to get a bit bite....
resharpening band blades is not a money maker unless you have a total automatic setter for commercial scale. way to much time spent resetting....
Hi Screwloose, Scopes lots of info here , another brand. one that I have used for years is Sightron. Glass is every-bit as good as the Leo's and...
nc 30 here, I wood not go beyond 700 at the middle of the small step in the top in front of the flue ( does the 32 even have a step? ) at 800f...
Have had a few of those various easy starts( aka Never start) contraptions. nough said. Remember the old crank up ones , then fold the handle...
genny + electronics, the genny needs to have less that 8% Noise( cause I can't think of the proper term) in its output. This is not voltage...
It is simply amazing how gullible some forks are. solo stove =fancy tin bucket that use designer wood. :hair:
if you really are looking to up grade get a processor. that alone can cut 50% of labor time. Ya I know they start about $8000- buy once cry...
every couple years i get a sticker. when i stick them they are really stuck. sledge hammer 8# is my go to tool. one time had one stuck , went for...
plastics grow and shrink with temperature changes, and they do not have to be extreme changes to measure the change. some experience less than...
Got be sneaky working with plastics due to heat expansion.
pure silence:rofl: :lol:
time to change mine. 1 because it sat outside for the last 3 winters and 2 because i need to install new valve, might just toss a bigger pump on...
converting is not to hard but whether it would be cost effective is questionable.