Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to aj2 & CactusHerder & Dhartig82 & f350tank & GrizzJr & IKnowIDontKnow & Jeff Johnson & JimTheCarver &...
Morning all. Yesterday turned out to be a nice day weather wise. Lots of sunshine. We got the church cleaned and firewood moved to the basement....
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to BanderRand & Chad Johnson & cr0nis & Donaldinky & Dr. Righteous & Edward Galvin & Kuna & Lamba & mike vt &...
Morning all. Overcast and grey this morning, possibility of showers. Went out for Sunday morning breakfast. Busy day today. Heading out to clean...
It is a beautiful place and parts of it really reminded us of our coastline.
Wishing a Very Special Happy Birthday today to ammoaddict [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to ANdy Z Van & CANNONMAN & Caveman775 & HollowHill & Jason370 & lee_ellerbrock & Mark Widdison & Mickey_P &...
Morning all. Overcast with the blue sky on the horizon so I don't know if it will clear off later today. It is pretty warm here for this time of...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to 71ELCGLD & 89GLH & amielniczuk & Beau & Burning Man & dennish & dave_026 F Anderson & F2B &...
Morning all. Grey overcast day which might clear up or not. We caught between two systems so it is anyone's guess as to what we are going to...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to Alan & briandeane & cousinbrucie & CTAZ & Dave Morrow & Hellcat & Huskydude & James07 & Johnski & NHCarl &...
bogieb Are the plastic curtains on the porch holding up over the second winter?
Awesome sounding recipe. I have been making cookies for our church children's class. some have been successful and others not. Unfortunately...
Morning all. Partially clear skies and warm. No wind this morning. Cooking all day for our church potluck on Sabbath. I like to get most of it...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to 166 & Chris Singer & Christian Boehme & Clarky & Daliddle1 & Fan de Ferre & Hanz & Jimbuilds & Jrjwoodsman...
Morning all. Windy with the sun peaking through in spots. I don't think we will get rain or at least not much. Yes, I got down to the sewing...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to RGrant [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to chris.m & david harrell & Devlin Hay & Floordude & gweld & JasonP & Jay donner & keithmaryq & NA1715CORD &...
Afternoon all. It has been a busy morning. Mainly bookkeeping as month end gets closer. Really nice spring day here. No wind and lots of...
So sorry to hear about your non-season. It is hard to admit that although we mentally want to keep going and do a lot of things we always did, we...