Don't burn morning wood. Unless, of course, such as in my case, it's eastern white pine.
It's the season to be merry.
looks like chopped and dehydrated onions with a modified label
Hoping it is solid.
one looks like a shingling hammer.
I'm falling behind because my back has been not cooperating. I've 18 acres to cut on, but about 2/3 of it is inaccessible swamp. Where I can cut...
Canada has slowed down immigration to some number below 400,000 non-troublemakers for the next couple of years so that housing starts and...
I have the rubbermade versions. Never needed a jackhammer to get a cup of sugar out of a package ? The humidity here can make some ingredients...
63ºF yesterday, some 50+ MPH winds, 3 inches of rain 37ºF this morning, no wind, sun's not up yet but looks like it might be a sunny day.
My sister's deceased husband had back pain that came and went. He treated it with alcohol. After 10-15 years of his "cure" and he pretty much had...
when I was not single if I had my boots on in the house I would be in the prison with the wood.
42 inches red oak and with an 026Pro with a 16 inch bar. Course, the red oak had stump rot so the heartwood was gone in the trunk until about 15...
I had one of those a few years ago. Ended up being my boiler in the basement has a fire/carbon monoxide detector connected to it. Apparently it...
My grandmother used to make her own soap. She had money, it was just something she grew up doing in Norway when she was younger and Norway was a...
Looks a little bit like bigtooth aspen with the thin bark. The inside of the bark might smell like a neglected kitty litter box if it hasn't been...
Or blow all the rounds into a pile
Sure looks like it . Probably legal to grow your own in New York now. Must be a Summer pic because that stuff does not like cold weather at all.