For the larger coins, look on the side of the coin. If you see some amber color, that is a clad coin and it isn't 90% silver. I don't know what...
A joke for everyone... Two old ladies were outside their nursing home having a smoke, when it started to rain. One of the ladies pulled out a...
There is no good place to put those on the platter. You really are doing everyone a favor by taking care of those.
The in-laws are in town and I am going out fishing this morning. Pretty cold out but it will be nice to drop a line. It has been a while.
Taking notes Eric. I have brick walkways around half my place. Next spring I will dig into it. I know about the polymetric sand but what was...
I always thought it was a derogatory phrase reflecting the rural poor and rusted out factories. There are quite a few Ohio and PA towns that come...
Maybe my TSC is just well managed. Parking lot is always full and they are always helpful.
They are hit-or-miss but they do have some name brand stuff like husky. I mostly just buy chicken food.
Welcome. Yeah, I bet you have some good stories. I heard that selling hay really depletes the soil on a farm. Is that true? That was from...
I bet Tractor supply has their splitters on sale. I picked up one last year thanks to you guys.
I had some old porterhouse bones that I put out as bait. They got cleaned right away. I have some beef liver to put out. I need to make more of...
If people are that desperate, why not just steal everything? Grills, patio chairs, flower pots, garden hoses, trailers, house numbers... the...
Few hundred dollars or few hundred percent? I think BTC just had a major buy signal a week or two ago. Doge has super strong floor support...
Wym Hoff does breathing and cold immersion. He hiked Mt Everest in shorts. [ATTACH]
You might get a kick out of wym hoff. He does crazy stuff like that.
I used to watch red green as a kid but I didn't realize it was such a comedy show. I thought it was like This Old House or Bob Villa. Red...
A few weeks ago I dumped a crock pot full of hot wax into some saw dust. So I have been chipping off some wax dust, putting an inch in a Dixie...
I saw that just the other day, it seems like a really good option. :yes: I need to step back and figure out why I would be camping. I feel like...
I was running late today. Snow and ice everywhere, the boiler is broken at the moment so the stove is working overtime trying to keep the house...