Tossing in some copper will make a fire burn green
What so you plan on doing with your rifle and in what environment? Does it need to be durable? Cold weather? How much light and how much...
Only thing to be careful of is splitting too much. If you split too many years ahead, your lady might not have a use for you.
Oh boy! We have 15 inches of snow on the way tonight. The hearth has a bunch of logs warming up and I have a buggy full of my best splits sitting...
Firewood things? I was thinking about some warm chocolate chip! ;)
The big store is a really interesting book about sears. They had so much political infighting and they couldn't keep up with the times.
So it sounds like you are the expert... mind answering a few questions? I have never had a mentor with guns and hunting and such, so I get to...
Gunbroker is a good bad thing. I have been spending a little too much time on there lately. :makeitrain" :rootintootin:
Biscuits, that is what I was thinking of. Looks cool! :thumbs:
I just have a little one from harbor freight. It cleans stuff pretty ok. It is a good idea to use some silicon gel and seal the top section...
Are you doing a tongue and groove like flooring or are you cutting in cookies?
Gettin in the 20s but I have some pretty good maple going in. Pretty happy with it. We should start seeing single digits soon, hopefully that...
I am still thinking about a 1911 but I picked up a Beretta 92x Performance in 9mm. Wow, is that fun to shoot. I understand it to be Beretta's...
Thanks guys. I really do appreciate your support. It is hard to know where to turn sometimes and I am glad that I can come here.
I guess I have been pretty quiet here the last few days. We lost a good old friend on the 6th. I raised him since he was a puppy and he was 9...
... is anyone going to tell me who sent the peavy? Hints? Did I miss it? Did someone recently die?
That's hella legit. Now I need one.
Hope ya like it! ;)
:rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol: Look like muffins to me!
Those orange wrenches are great. That way you don't lose them in the leaves!