Picked up 2 Weimaraner puppies a couple weeks back. They have been keeping me busy but they are super fun and very smart. Raising the dogs is...
Eat avocado, butter, coconut oil, meat, veggies and avoid sugar / grain. Works well for me!
I wouldn't really call it selling but I would be happy to send you what I have. Maybe 6 or 8 boxes? I can't remember how much I keept but i can...
... as long as you have access, it should be fine. You might have to fix a pipe one day so plan for potential repairs. Mine is in the basement...
Rare Breed Triggers Homepage
Dont look it up. You will end up on a list. ...and then you will want one.
I have a Henry lever in 45-70. I love it. The leverevolution ammo is great and seems to shoot flat. It is just expensive. Other ammo shoots...
I have seen from a number of places online about a leak from the atf- the notice gives officers direction to confiscate FRTs from gun shops. I...
Thats great advice. Thank you. I didn't really think in terms of a bulldozer, but that makes a lot of sense. I started doing this on accident...
I'm not saying you're wrong, just a little bit more than I was hoping to spend. :whistle: Actually, the real issue would be storage. I already...
And yeah, my area gets an average of 110 inches every year. I guess I will figure it out one of these years... It seems anything over about 12...
My neighbor plows his drive side to side. Sounds like a good enough idea. He has a full size plow so it takes him fewer passes.
I have a 46" blade that attaches to my cub-cadet riding mower (without the mowing deck). I also have some old break rotors as weights and some...
Actually... I am seeing that is more of a 1911 style. Beretta isn't on the list. Good to know that DeSantis makes good holsters though.
Yeah it's a little large.
What kinda drugs are we talking about here? Coke? Painkillers? Somehow getting drunk and shooting heroin doesn't seem like a good cutting combo....
Any recommendations for an IWB leather Beretta 92 holster? I don't want to spend a gazillion dollars but I also don't want something plastic or...
They have been pretty good about pickup and come within 5 days of the requested time. It did sit for a while while i filled it up but that is...
Has anyone ever used a bagster bag? It is maybe 2 cubic yards of waste that waste management picks up. $130 for the pickup (with coupon). You...
Snow came in. Looks like 16-18 and the drifts are 2ft+. Got some ash and poplar in the stove.