They are real. Never heard anything bad about them.
Doesn't everyone have one??
Others have done it so they could use their stove while waiting on parts. Might not be good on high mode, for some cheap stoves, would probably...
Can always stick a box fan behind/beside it.
Sun hitting house,32 out, 66 inside, so stove shut itself down.
Yep, worse than "drop bears'!! :rofl: :lol:
Gonna be hard to shoot birds today,then.
You would want to make sure he is STILL a registered dealer, so stove can be registered for warranty.
Explains what seems to be frequent cleanings, for a Harman.
Yep. Having started out with an Integra,then servicing stoves,I am still amazed at stoves that have to be serviced daily/weekly. Which is why I...
If you have at least 3 foot of vertical flue, smoke in the house would be extremely rare.
I prefer Bush's or B&M, quality products.
Haven't had any in years, doubt if I could find it in MT(grew up in MD), but, you just had to bring it up!!:eek: Just ordered 6 cans,raisin, 27...
You ran a Quad,of which most are great quality, for some years and never heard of Harman,wow. The still are high quality stoves,with a good burn...
Out here,if looking for something,facebook marketplace is the place to search. Craigslist is almost dead.
Yep,state of the art burners are the way to do it.
"Keep us in the loop..." His stove has been fixed.