Do a video and put in on youtube and post it. Video it for a couple minutes. Sounds like the burnpots are worn out or just not enough air for...
I agree with the wife, lol! Maybe the gasket is stretched some? Verify your exhaust is clear of webs & critters.
I visited the Lacrete's website to see if they would show or mention the newer bags, nothing but noticed the original white bags changed somewhat!...
I bought a skid of Home Choice pellets after checking the SKU # which produces Lacrete's pellets. Loaded the 60 bags into my Toyota P/U :D
April was warmer than usual, three nights with no fires! 24 bags this month.
Our condolences to you & family Luneyburg :( We wish you well to you & your father :yes: One day at a time, you will get through the healing of...
Is there a such thing :whistle:
Happy belated birthday bogieb :cheers: How old are you now :D
38.5 bags & remainder of corn for March, 232.5 YTD
If you runout of pellets because you forgot to fill it, you'd look/feel like a idiot :D
47 for Feb and 194 YTD with corn/oil.
Was the stove dealer installed or diy? If dealer, there should be draft reading recorded in your manual.
IIRC it does create lot's of ashes.
:rofl: :lol: good one with the fingers:Dbrings back memories of the younger days ;) Good luck on the slide kit :yes:
Can you describe the setup with the vent and OAK, just trying to put scenario's in the troubleshooting. The air getting pulled in the stove when...
Does the firebox/door glass get dirty faster with black soot than normal or previous years? Can you take a draft reading?
Is it doing it all the time or occasionally? Maybe the vent draft has subsided with time. Is there soot building up inside the firebox?
Strange indeed! There has been known of faulty boards out of the package which I think these are made in China(not a good thing). I would add a...
:vulture: Congrats and watch out for the pellet buzzards :D
Thank you everyone for the B wishes, it was a lovely sunny day to go snowshoeing in the trails we have created to get some fresh air. [IMG][IMG]