The battle plate behind the ash pan is part of the exhaust route from the heat exchanger down towards the outlet which is drawn by the exhaust...
Are you aware of the rear baffle behind the ashpan needs to be brushed clean? Both sides, left is wider than the right side! Looking at the pics,...
Can you do a Leaf Blower Trick (LBT) after passing the brush in the vent (chimney). Has the exhaust fan and passage being cleaned? How long have...
Fire goes out because not enough fuel feeding it or just lack of air? Has the auger trim/fan trim being adjusted? Fire goes out at what feed#? Try...
What are you using for fuel? Lazy flame =not enough air or worn out burnpot. I've seen stoves with heat exchanger completely blocked up (scrape...
[IMG] savemoney
Looks like the CB has been changed, do you have autolight option or still manual light? Pics of your setup are always welcomed, we like to drink...
Pics are always helpful with troubleshooting and better communicate visually! #2411 is the old LED lighted control board, just like my old one.
Joyeux Noël et Heureuse Année :santa:
The worst case scenario would be the furnace will go in shutdown mode when it hits 200*F. Merry Christmas
Stove & Fireplace Exhaust Combustion Blower Fan Impeller This might be it, check diameter size to be sure!
If you go to the Fahrenheit information thread, you'll find the impeller#, I think it's from a Kozi or Quadrafire stove. I don't have it on hand,...
wildwest Happy Birthday 16 Endur ance 50F CONTROL BOARD OPERATION Fuel Type 1- High Ash 2- L Wheat 3- Wheat 4- HM Corn 5- Corn 6- LM Corn 7-...
People are hinting to the manufacturers of the real needs required for a stove :doh: He should be hired for the Hormon designing department :thumbs:
First do some research on a local source of coal is available nearby? Might find them sold along side wood pellets. Coal puts out high BTU's, I've...
Welcome to FHC corncob :handshake: I've burned a mix of corn & pellets for a few years, not this year(had no time to pick some up). The corn is...
#2493 should have the old red led light control board like BAN83's unit. He also had a hard time pumping out maximum heat. Combustion blower can...
It could be the culprit but it never happened to me, mine just got noisy with looseness of the shaft bearing. It's not a clean stove by the pics.
Page #409 in this thread is my video of my flame Nov 26 2017 PAGE 21
You should try the leaf blower procedure, cleans the passages real nice. Do you have a OAK ? Newer house or older? Try cracking a window open near by.