So far, I've been a good healer. I had my same foot and ankle operated on about 2.5 yr ago. and it healed very well. So far, pain management has...
I think I may have gotten past the "hurts like f@#&" stage of recovery and have now moved on to the "incredibly annoying" stage. Next big...
:thumbs:Thanks for all the well wishes. I need them, especially for the next couple days. :pain:Ankle joint splint vs. replacement vs. fusion is a...
Arthritis from a lifetime of ankle sprains finally destroyed my joint. Today I went to the OR for definitive treatment - ankle fusion. So far, so...
It was a cold, rainy dark day so I made Kjötsúpa, Icelandic lamb soup. The smell of it simmering and a warm fie in the stove made a perfect late...
Keep grinding brother. It was VERY slow in my woods this year, too, until last night, then lots of action. You can't kill them if you're not in...
Put this big honking doe in the freezer tonight. [ATTACH]
Sounds great
Um... No.
PA firearms season started this morning. It was a brisk 25 degrees, but there was zero wind so it wasn't too bad. Had a small buck walk by @25...
Nice buck!!!
This dude was actually out during sunlight hours last week... I've gotten a couple bigger bucks on camera, but only during the middle of the...
I grew up in Ann Arbor, MI, ~10 miles from the Willow Run plant. I lived right next to Pittsfield Village which was a large neighborhood of...
I sealed with Anchor seal as soon as I bucked the logs. It dries clear. It's definitely best to end seal as soon as possible, especially for oak...
Agreed, but, as you know, I have a gross excess of lumber and logs right now. Need to work on liquidating as much as possible in order to fund...
I REALLY like my 280 AI. Would love to get it out West where it could stretch it's legs at distance and with bigger game than whitetails.
100yds. That's about the farthest I can shoot a deer on my property. FYI, I have a 280 Ackley Improved for bigger game and/or longer distances....