Have burnt most of the sycamore I cut in 2020 this winter. I wouldn't shy away from it if it were to come along again.
Tell your wife we are sorry to hear this
38/72 took a half bucket of ash out and loaded some ash splits for evening. Saw 45 when we got home from church.
Owner preference, but I like the green one better.
Prayers for ammoaddict
I believe it's either red or silver, bark not right for sugar. It's been down for awhile so I have nothing to go by except bark.
Got the saw sharpened, truck unloaded, Advil and a nap. Ready for the next trip. :D
Ground frozen good so I gave the Echo 620 some exercise. 24 inchers and all I could do to roll them up the ramp. I stopped at 5 but there is more...
17/72 sycamore, ash and hickory doing the work now
14/72 maple, cherry and ash. White oak and big round of locust on deck for overnight. 5 predicted tonight.
Congrats Jason.....I just got a shirt for my birthday that says " Being a Dad is an honor being a Papa is priceless "
6/70 ready for a reload on white oak coals. High 14 for the day.
And Rural King has Gard brand @ 6.99
TSC Alliance 44601 shows a sale at 6.99 for anyone looking for a price match.
If and when I feel like measuring and marking I use a tale and automotive marker. Most times I just eyeball it. My stove will take a pretty long...
16/71 ash and split of beech going. Brought in a few splits of white oak. Thermal underwear is mandatory accessory for work.
25/72 cherry and maple rolling along. About 3" of snow since noon with heavy winds and another 3" expected overnight. Teens overnight and not much...
It would keep much better split and stacked
I don't mind cutting in the cold temps and snow but not that much snow.
Rain expected most of the night and tomorrow, turning to snow tomorrow evening then the temps drop again to single digits