Definitely sounds like you want to take it down in small pieces from a man lift. Felling 90 degrees to the lean is the worst case scenario for...
Looks like a fun trip for the two of you! Congrats on 36 years of marriage!
Diameter breast height
Looks like a mulberry. Is that correct? How high are you able to get the rope? More or less 3/4 of the way up the tree? What DBH is the tree? Are...
Hmmm what does Captain Obvious say?[ATTACH] :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
Wish I could like this post more! Glad to have the opportunity to spend more time with you now that we we will be practically neighbors. I’m also...
Great pics (especially your helper) and great score! Heck with it being so close if you have the room why not make the most of the opportunity!
Sweet!!! Passing the :popcorn: around waiting for action shots!
Fantastic stacks Russ! I really like Douglas Fir. Hope your injury isn’t too serious and you’re back to :saw::axe::stacker: soon.
Eh I got your back bud!
:whistle::rofl: :lol::handshake:
Outstanding brother!!!! I am so pleased for the both of you to have found the love that you two deserve! This is the best news today!
Cool thing is it should dry quick and give you primo btus!
That’s usually my go-to. A tablespoon or two of dawn dish soap is usually added. A table spoon or two of dawn dish soap added to a gallon of water...
Looks like you have a hard maple cultivar on your hands there. Nice score bud!:dex:
Dixie disposable plates right beside it provide plenty of scale bud. Here’s a Norway and a hand for scale[ATTACH]
You seem to have some confusion about what the word cultivar means. That is a Caddo maple cultivar. That’s what Acer saccharum 'JFS-Caddo2' PP...
You’re not wrong
That leaf is definitely not big enough to be Norway maple
A little more information would be helpful. What does the bark tell you T.Jeff Veal ? Was this a planted yard tree or a tree growing out in the...