You’re doing a fantastic job of “sounding” like a pro. I’ve dropped several thousand trees in my career, and actually learned from Jerry Beranek...
That’s a nice looking stump. Go back and look at my first picture and tell me how I should have left the compression side of the hinge skinny...
You think I should have made the hinge smaller on the compression side? Really?
White oak will stand up to the weather much better.
Rang the bell the other day. I will likely do it again before the fundraiser ends. Dallas is as good as they come. A good friend that I wish I got...
Pulling the splits back over the wedge/knife is a big inefficiency depending on the way the splitter is set up. If the splitter has a 4,6,8, etc....
I watched a factory tour vid for one company. Those at least looked like reasonable clones of the toro units they are based on. I imagine for the...
Lots of neat ideas so far. I noticed a rash of cheap Chinese mini skid steers on BookFace marketplace lately. Like 4-5k new cheap.
This is a point I make every day to clients. The chips from their removals or pruning projects are a valuable byproduct that they should keep....
I agree for the average homeowner with a large rural lot renting is the smart move. It would take a lot of one day rentals at once per year to...
It’s a very rare occurrence for me. Typically I only have feet to spare and the threat of major property damage. That’s why I usually stick to the...
Hopefully this all reads with my intent to share, educate, and keep my fellow Horders safe.:handshake: Gills have been around for awhile. It’s...
The humble chainsaw one of the best metal detectors known to man… Amiright! :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
Define homeowner grade? After being an arborist for the last 25 years I’ve spent my share of time chipping brush. I’ve run everything from the...
I agree a log lift is a must. I think you could get into one of the lower end split fires for your intended budget. They do have a new vertical...
Yup pretty amazing how reliable that gravity thing can be!:thumbs:
What kind of wood and what size are you splitting on average? Might be a good place to start.
That’s true brother if he was close enough I’d drop it for a steak dinner, but sadly there’s a big pond between us.
:rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
Both capable options. I use both often. Either will likely give you the height you need. The determining factor would be how much side reach you’d...