Im not looking to get a mirror shine. Really just clean they discolored parts off, and provide a uniform patina so it looks ok walking by or if i...
We bought a truck. First one I’ve had since my 74’ F100. We like it. And I’m not looking to sink a bunch into it to make it more presentable. But...
Holy Shot! That was a beauty. $1450.00 is about a K more than I would have thought. Maybe 800 more. Congrats!
one of my favorites $60 is great score even if you wanted to part it out. One issue older ones have is an bog when coming off idle. There is a fix...
Anatomy thats the word I was looking for Thank you!
[ATTACH] I think what’s interesting is the dissection above they call the the threads the corrugated ribs and explains why. It’s a similar...
I stand corrected. Thank you.
electrode is still there. Ground strap broke off. When I got it, I should have counted, but it was about a half dozen threads in. Loose tooth. I...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Makes me want to check my spark plugs for tightness now. New kit on order. P&C
when I have more than I can use or hand out, I’ll freeze them like cue balls. A later time, mid winter is my plan, I’ll pull them out on like a...