Situation update: 21o5 hrs., Mrs. Mountain man is chilled and therfor the pellet stove is firing up. We will be bring our wood box to the porch...
Well, Well. It's that time of year again, 42 here now and not using any heat. The previous two nights were 29 & 30 and we ran the pellet stove for...
Not cringe, It made me pucker up.:hair:
When I clicked on this thread I thought it was going to be a colonoscopy thread. :picard:my doctor has been suggesting.......
Everything is working fine here for me.
Great news, congrats to you and Sue my friend!:handshake:
It was on the ABC website yesterday.
We all got our "thing", now, I drink both Coffee and Tea. They both work well, especially with fruit !
So true.
There is a lot being said right there, pay attention folks and see what is right before your eyes.
I sure did.
I bought an Anker 2600 at Home Depot with a coupon back in April and bought 2 additional panels from the company so I have 4 panels for 800 watts....
I have the ability to defend myself at all times in all places, just for this reason. The bad guy always gets to choose the time and place of the...
He has to cut 40 cord a year to heat his big trucks so they'll start. I often thought how does he find time to do all that with the kids, and they...
Great pics Chud , and a belated congrats!
We are focusing on getting the veggies in this weekend, we should be safe with the temps, Remember that last year on May 27th if IRC, we had the...
Lots of purple here, the previous owner must have liked the color. Look for the purple Columbine. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]