Interesting video thanks for the link. It answered some questions that I had. For quite a while I have wanted to get a decoy to put on the shelf....
We don’t have many places with Norther pike and I don’t believe spearing is legal here but I’m quite interested in it. we need a fish spearing...
[ATTACH] My truck just a couple months old and maybe 3k on the clock. It’s been quite a while since I’d feel comfortable doing it tho.
We subscribe to that theory as well.
[ATTACH] During the snow yesterday.
Yup, going out on the ice can be dangerous. Knowing how to read it and having the right gear with you is essential. And just cuz some bonehead...
That’s a good start!
Ha, we only have an inch or two on the ground here. Been in a drought for the last few years. Main reason I wanted a fanner. plenty of machines...
Yup they do need service but not a 250$ transmission flush. The guy I know that’s still at the dealership cleared 6 figures last year without...
One lady sold a guy with a stick shift an automatic transmission fluid flush.
Oh I have som doozies! Lol
[ATTACH] Picked this up for hauling duty. Has the Fugi 488 fan. Been cleaning it up. Removed 50 lbs of mouse house/turds from the belly. Removed...
I always said I can only control my work and I made sure that I could sleep at night. Refused to sell unnecessary services. The writer would alway...
Slow start here with temp fluctuation. Headed out at 0dark30 last weekend to a spot that is usually gtg before most. Got there to find open water....
But if you can do it and are willing to deal with dealership BS you can pretty much name your pay rate. My buddy that is still at the dealership...
Imagine living your life in the way you were taught for decades, working hard for small gains. Then twords the end of your ability to do it some...
Has something changed recently? Last I knew you can buy them through private sale as long as you only have a ten round mag.
Got home from holiday travel yesterday, remembered I still have my gift to open. [ATTACH]A big thank you to my secret Santa. This will be very...
[ATTACH] Nice trailer. I’d be willing to bet your lighting problem might be circled in red. Those electrical connections are no bueno!