X2! Hope you had enjoyable day Knothead! Happy birthday Jack Straw & spotted owl :thumbs:
Hey Chuck- congrats on 20 years, man! :handshake: It reald depends on what environment you want, $ for hotel or AirBNB, north shore, south shore...
If only you could deliver heart shaped pieces like this all the time! #ILDDBBL! [ATTACH]
Wow BuckeyeFootball! That is a crime! Forgivable, but a crime nonetheless. :D:rofl: :lol: A cutting board (or two) would be suitable penance....
Happy to jtakeman :dancer:
Woodwidow, I borrowed Allan’s birthday cake pic…. :D Happy birthday Scottish 80 !:saw: [ATTACH]
Looks like the Artic 440 that DexterDay Dex used to own, was almost as tall as him. :eek::rofl: :lol: Anyone have that pic? :tears:
Happy birthday savemoney Larry!!! Happy belated birthdays to Ctwoodtick and morningwood!
Cool! Literally! 2.6M views · 371K reactions | Wait and see the magic of winter.. ❄️ ________________________________________ #winter...
38M views · 294K reactions | مفيش اجمل من كده حلاوة | خالد الجمل
Do you happen to have any pics or a link if found online? Oh buddy, there ain’t no shortage of ‘em here at FHC! :rofl: :lol: :thumbs: :handshake:
1.5K views · 4.9K reactions | Owels Robinson on Reels
Merry Christmas FHC! 95K views · 432 reactions | The 8-Splitter a.k.a. The Kindle-Witz. Kindling doesn’t stand a chance #diy #handmade #wood...
Failed to mention my friend’s 2500 was a 16:1 saw. I’m struggling to recall the cutoff date but if yours is of a certain year pertaining to older...
2.5M views · 25K reactions | *Counts fingers* #cayman #crocodile #alligator #react #reaction #jumpscare #darkhumor #relateable #sparxfam...
Alright which one of you is this? https://www.facebook.com/share/r/UquuTFa6VvN5hPur/?mibextid=wwXIfr :sherlock: :thumbs:
Ahhh, a warm, stretched out pus cat! :whistle: :D
:rofl: :lol: :handshake:
Very cool, Paul bunion :salute: :handshake: