Happy birthday Horkn :rofl: :lol:
:jaw: :rofl: :lol:
[ATTACH] Hey Ohio where yat Tucker?
Happy birthday ammoaddict :yes:
Fixed. :handshake:
64K views · 18K reactions | First I have ever seen this in my time in this business !! A first for the city water dept too !! What a find !!...
I mean, yeah! That’s what they’re for, right?! Safety first!!!
Fixed. :yes:
Fantastic work and thread, wood and coal burner! :thumbs: :handshake:
79K views · 8.1K reactions | This new AI-powered tractor is going to revolutionize farming. You see those strobe looking lights underneath the...
3.5M views · 25K reactions | Homebuilt Fishing Boat | Would you take this "boat" out for a spin? | By FARM SHOW Magazine | Facebook
first video was just a cobbled together pile of fire bricks from the Lowe’s… [MEDIA] This video was from fully molded setup seen on the rocket...
Did you follow the link I posted, metalcuttr ?
metalcuttr - navigate to this site… Another guy new to rocket stoves | Rocket Stoves.. Experimenters corner.. Answers questioned!
Yes, I built molds and obtained several types of refractory cement and constructed a test bed model. I’ll look for some pics or vids. :salute:
I only ever tried my hand at “batch box” rocket stoves, but “J’s” and “L’s” are certainly just as or more efficient! Excellent work metalcuttr Russ!!!