Thanks for the update....I would have lost half a day scouring the internet for info. I was already scratching my head thinking of where they...
I had never heard that before about the 3rd set of falls. Got any info or links on it? If no, I can dig into it.
RCBS You can probably start here. Some outfitters listed. Map - Michigan Upper Peninsula Snowmobile Association We were in Houghton last week....
How much time ya got? As mentioned above, 2-3 months and you can see much of the UP, but not all. Here are some ideas of the easy to get to...
Tahquamenon Falls [ATTACH]
Sorry Elm-er Fudd ...we hijacked your cow chit thread....
This is exactly my experience as well.
I will have to ask him which was his favorite. I know banker was the easiest, because you start with more $ and can buy things at the forts later.
Pro to cross the last will die if you try to ford it on your own.
A few years ago, I found an online version of the original Oregon Trail. I showed my son, who was probably 11 at the time and he got hooked. He...
He only wears that to disguise his receding hairline...pretends to be fashionable.....hahahaha
I had those same things get into all of my hickory that the power company cut on our property last year. Looks exactly like your pics. Didn't get...
I hammered a pothole driving throught Detroit last night that was at least 6ft across and 5 ft long. I never hit so hard in my life. Within the...
Whoa! How does a tower buckle like that? I would expect the line to snap before the structure gives way.
Here's Ollie, she is almost 4 years old and almost 6lbs. Of the 3 we rescued over thlast 7 years, she latched on to me for some reason. She...