A Coenwalh is a Bishop so one of my 40th great grandpas was Bishop of Mercia
This be Robert Blood Relatives 100,000 Ancestors 24,977
Big time.
That be a pellet vulture. This be Oliver This be Henry
How does the Moth fly?
! 2 3 4
Me stay in work on genealogy and attend Mass. Me not of that ilk but me hates certain family members. Henry, Oliver and Robert can rot.
You must be a french surrender monkey. I GOT MY thermostat BACK when the Metop went to zero.
A coffee brandy spiked lemonade or a bourbon whiskey spiked lemonade keeps a grumpy bear away too
At least you ain't my 74th great grampy.
What is s Coenwalh? anyway one of my 40th great grandpas was one.
Me right here
He can't wear ROYAL colors unless he qualifies now one of my 29th great uncles can wear purple he was the first king of Hungary, he was also a...
Sn*w. :p
Me not go out. I stay in. Me tryng to be good. Shut up JT.