Morning. Hotter than the hinges of hell here. Gotta go make a video for my friends at the bait shop. Might go live and just watch the sun rise...
Happy Friday! I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. I have to go clock in…
Happy Thursday. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Warmish here. Can’t complain, in the past 3 months the heat has tremendously helped my...
Good morning. RaceTrac closed 4 out of the last 5 days. 1 guy runs the 7 eleven. They refuse to hire more. 10 people in there this morning. I...
Morning folks. The water temp is bumping 90 here and the fish are nuts. Hopefully the live show goes better today. Had plenty of service...
Morning. RaceTrac was closed for the 3rd out of the last 4 days. I sent corporate a nasty email letting them know I now have 10 open tickets...
Good morning. Looks like a great time T.Jeff Veal everyone have a great Sunday!
Usually about an hour. Had the bait store owner with us one morning. I spent about 3 hours on that day. People beg me not to quit, they love...
Morning. Just counted worms. I must go show the masses my beautiful sunrise and scenery. Service gonna be sketchy this morning. I suggest...
Up here too. Have some java. All will be good and things will work out.
Neighbors acting up?
Morning. Coffee was so so…. They put hazelnut creamer where the half & half was supposed to be. Hopefully I have service today to please the...
I’ll give this to Midwinter. She explains things well…