Consider this your first demerit!! LOL You still did much better with your dates than Scottie and Big Joe!
Good Idea!
I see it...LOL
Awesome Randy...Congrats on the sweet new tractor! Now when your truck gets stuck on the flat, damp grass...You have something to pull it to the...
Oh...You guys actually read buZZsaw BRAD's posts, I was positive that nobody read Brad's 42,678 threads!! :p
Yipppeee, I feel young!
I did not know! :handshake:
No joking, JRHAWK9 is taking everything a bit to serious today!
HBD Brotha!
That looks sharp...Nice Job
Very kind...Good job!!
Must be a pretty large prom dress to fit you!!
Looks like the start of a TikTok video... Glad all went well!!
Have the old dates on the calendar, luckily it is dry erase...On swipe of the rag and the new date is booked.
Truthfully, I am surprised you spelled it correctly!:D
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I'm sore just looking at the pictures