-5 F this morning. Got a warming trend going now, freezing rain and 23F. Burning lodgepole.
1F outside. Supposed to be warming up starting tomorrow. Normal temps would be like 17/35. Burning lodgepole and black locust.
7F right now. Snowing lightly. Burning juniper and lodgepole.
-46 ?? That don't sound fun at all. I don't like it when it gets down to 5.
Got us a out west cold snap going. 16F now and headed down to -1F tonight. Burning elm and Western Larch.
For chainsaw related I've watched "AFLEETCOMMAND " alot here lately.
29F for a low this morning. Currently 36F burning juniper and lodgepole.
That's a big tree Brad! I don't think there is any mulberry here where I live. It must be good BTU for you to bust out the 36 inch bar.
Buzzsaw Brad I have a 462 that's been ported, so ya I kinda like stihls too.
I want Husqvarna to introduce a fuel injected saw. I've ran a 500I, and they are pretty sweet.
Aahhh a 592 !! My Supreme saw hoarder friend has one, I've ran it and very strong performer. That will slay the big diameter stuff in style.
Husqvarna 455/460 rancher with 20 inch bar will do the job. It's just there is much Sevier options available for not very much more $$
The ECHO 590 and 620 are great saws. And respond very well to small modifications.
Agree with above. The Hondas are the way to go. Lots of TRX 300s and XR dirtbikes from the 90s still going strong.
That's a nice old Shindaiwa!
34 F current temp. Burning Douglas fir.
I wouldn't even think of cutting in below 25F conditions. I don't like the summer heat so may and October are usually just the right temps. I...
I have a ported 462 Stihl, and yes it was worth every penny!
Just got the 066 yesterday. It runs, but not well. Hoping to have it going good by spring.