I cant like that..:rofl: :lol:
Thanks!! Yours look great. I tried 270 for 8 min and 360 until they browned up. They came out pretty good for me being new but I could do better...
What oil temps do you like when you double fried them. ?
Glad you are enjoying your birthday hovlandhomestead
Hi all. Sorry your wrist MikeInMa .
No it doesn't. :rofl: :lol: Nice find Sandhillbilly
Good eve Jeff and everyone. I am on the band wagon with wanting winter to be over. Other than that things are ok. :) @Mollys grand kitty is...
Nice. I can't say anything about you needing more saws because I only have one. :) Are you planning on a bench and some kind of heat?
Good morning. It's a nice 9F right now but spring is on the way. Looking forward to it. :) Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Very sorry Redneck .
That looks so much better than what I had for dinner . :)
Good morning.
I vote for the basement also.
Feel the same as Greenstick on this one for sure.
He should have got more than fired for that.
Good late night everyone and congrats schlot . Great things went well. Glad you're doing ok also MikeInMa . I'm up late and looking forward to...
She does great work. Like that allot Dennis.
Great your boy is not afraid of work. Must be fun working together.
Don't blame you a bit. I'd like to have all the rounds you moved in your car.