Thanks so much Brad :handshake:
Got a little score of red oak last week, but when I was splitting it all this past Sat I noticed a few of these pieces mixed in. Not sure if I...
Pretty mild around here lately, low to mid 50's hitting almost 60 tomorrow. Haven't had the stove burning much, looking at the forecast looks...
Stripers in diapers.........we use to call the small ones fishing the Delaware Bay for them in the fall/winter. Delaware bays creek tributaries...
You guys all ROCK!! Thank you so much for the info, so much appreciated!
Hey gang, trying to locate and find a bolt that secures this gas tank to the splitter. Not really sure of the terminology so my searches are wild...
For sure, I am not quite there just yet. Seems I get close then I slack off and life gets in the way, hahah!
Been cruising along with a steady diet of oak and maple. But running low on oak and even lower on maple. Been using the oak very sparingly for...
Awesome stuff, thanks Dave!
I've had my eye on that Henry 357x, I love it. I already own a .357 revolver so I love keeping similar ammo in the family. That's a sweet little...
Looking good my friend :salute: Can't beat a woodshed, I'd like to build another, seems you can never build them big enough or have to many of...
Woke up to 19* this AM, steady mix of maple and oak during the day with all oak for overnight burns. Been hitting the wood hard this winter so...
That's a real bummer for sure but at least you made progress and seemed to have figured out the cause. Plenty of 6" flex liner recommendations...
Being originally from S.Philly we have a few good Italian places to choose from but will certainly keep this place in mind
I can't say that I have but will certainly add to the list of checking out, thank you :yes:
Thank you :handshake:
Thank you I will check that out. The NY traffic is making heading this way dreadful!
That's right buddy, I forgot that's your roots.......Thank you sir :handshake: PM incoming!!!
Anyone familiar with long island? Bear with me here, wife and I like to take little anniv trips usually around beginning of June when we can....
I'd rather be sitting under one with a drink!