Lol not sure how smooth they go over here...
Lol if it's needed sure, but not just for fun.
It's a jred 930 lol.
Umm no lol.
I never donate expecting to win something, but I won this time. Just glad that the family is doing good through this whole deal.
John did a nice job on the paint on the 660.
Lol good stuff.
Grom? Lol
Got a big cotton wood coming up next week. Been quite a few with room to just fall them. How have you been doing Joe?
Hopefully someone will chime in that uses crapatalk. Have you tried just using Google?
The Google browser has been working fine on my end. Crapatalk might need a update?
The magnum sticker is a nice touch lol.
Lol hey Ron. The saw looks great.
Got these 3 cool old anchors awhile back on a camping trip.[ATTACH]
Looks great Joe. How have you been doing?
Yep that's the same thing I do, but it would be nice to not have to.
Lol that's for darn sure. I would like to have a few for sure.
Only when they are installed on one lmao.
Wikipedia breaks down all the generations of the f series trucks.