Welcome Krondalou I’m sure you’ll find your answers here soon. Congratulations on your new stove! Action pictures are almost mandatory around...
23 and 76, beech and hemlock in the Fireview. The sun is back for a day but it’s staying in the 40’s.
Slip sliding away....:picard: The whole thing looks like a disaster waiting to happen. Suppose that flooring is dry enough? I was waiting for the...
In my experience. I spent some years as a heavy equipment mechanic in the logging industry in northern Maine, ran a couple auto repair shops, and...
Actually it was a local news article and they interviewed a state biologist. He said the trees are sold at Lowe’s but come from a nursery who they...
Check your grounds at the frame and engine block. Sounds like an intermittent power interruption which is commonly a bad ground cable or...
Beech, hemlock, sugar maple, red oak, white oak, eastern white pine, spruce. That’s what I have in the 16-17 cord I have CSS, but I’ll burn about...
32 out, we got just enough snow to see it here and there, so it stayed south of us. You guys can have it lol:rofl: :lol: 76 inside burning hemlock...
It is barely but we all know it’s coming. This could really hasten the spread.
I just saw a news article about Lowe’s selling trees infected with EAB in Maine. I guess it’s here. Just FYI
40 out 76 in just put a couple hemlock splits in. We saw a little snow yesterday, nothing stuck, but 1-3” predicted for tonight and tomorrow...
OH, do you have the cast frame for the ceramic cat or is it required with the one you bought?
Burning hemlock and beech right now.
36 and light rain this morning. Just enough coals left to relight the hemlock and beech. Might be done with kindling until spring looking at the...
Just 44 this morning and I put a piece of pine and a hemlock split on the coals to keep the chill out until the sun comes up. 75 in the stove room...
Welcome to FHC! Looks like you belong here. Good luck with the new tractor!
38 and 73, just getting a little hemlock and beech going on the coals from the 3 beech splits I put in about 9 pm. Cold rain coming today in the...
I just got a spare cat for my Fireview and I ordered it from Tom. He told me they’re building the cat frames and substrates now but they’re not...
I bet that will be a plowing beast! I used to have a Yamaha Rhino and I was amazed by how much snow it could handle. That thing will plow circles...
I built a 2x4 sawbuck, but for short pieces less than 4’ I prefer to use the jaw horse. It holds even the odd shaped pieces nice and firm at a...