This is the choices with bar/chain combos. It didn't give an option for chain. Only said full chisel chain included. I just acquired that 30 year...
Ya know, looking at the pic I guess it is. I was in a hurry when I put it on and didn't pay much attention because it was cold and windy and I...
Awesome. Congrats.
You didn't snag a 4310sx did you?
I don't "need" any saw related stuff for the rest of my life except bar oil, but you know how that goes.
I may try it out Saturday if the wind dies down by then. I gotta quit buying crap but that Chinese 25" i have was just too heavy for me.
Got one of the dukes bar and chain combos for this old stihl. Haven't tried it yet but it looks good. 20" 3/8 .050 72dl. [ATTACH]
Dang, can't beat that shipping price. They had it on sale last month for 6.99. I never made it over there. If I would have known I could have...
Same here.
I tried another tsc and now it won't let me use my store as a pick up location. Bummer
Just received email of cancelation. [ATTACH]
Phone. I tried it again and I think it worked.
I tried that but it always changes the store to my local one and shows $10.99 each.
$10.99 at my local store. Lenoir, NC
I once had a long stack between two trees. Storm came through and blew one of the trees over and half the stack.
What does someone do with dozens of used hammers?
That's exactly what came to my mind before I even scrolled down to see it. I loved that show.
I had a wild thing with no AV. It ran really good but my hands couldn't take the vibes.
Those wild things ain't bad little saws.
Don't throw it in the lake. Send it to me.