I guess it's time to get off my azz and get something done........or maybe just go back to bed......
Good morning everyone! -17° going up to +9°
Doing well Dallas! Just making a little something to eat. How was your day?
Good evening everyone! Well I made a dent in the hunny-do list......time for a little dinner and some tv.
Morning Tom. Yes Sir, it's a never ending list......I've even tried hiding the pen and paper.....that didn't work either. [emoji4]
Mornings and stuff! -11°F going up to +4°F. Gotta big honey-do list to get working on today.
Do they run dogs on anything up there? Around here it's mostly bears, coons and some yotes that guys run.
We were up in the beginning of June a few years ago. It was beautiful weather then.
Yes sir DJ, them ice storms suck bad. I know we lost a few cows to the ice over the years.
Don't really know, have to stop by the saw shop and pick up a few parts. Then get a new ceiling fan for the house. I have a couple project saws I...
Morning Tom Yes sir it rained off and on yesterday. Then the temps dropped and froze everything. I'd take snow and cold any day over ice.
Good morning / evening everyone! 9°/10°F with a little dusting of snow. Took the day off so I can take 2 of our cats in to be fixed. I hope you...
Me three........
Not too much, just trying to get through work. How about you?
Good morning everyone! 36° and drizzling a bit, might get a little snow later today. It's Fryday!!!!!!!
Morning guys! 28°/36°F Y'all have a great day and keep the rusty side down!
I'm doing great, just stopped for gas on my way to work.
Good morning everyone!
I'm up, I'm up........quit your yelling. [emoji4] Morning Tom!
Getting sleepy, what have you been into today?