Evening guys!
Good so far! Howz things on your side of the world?
Good morning fellas! 17°/30°F Time to make the donuts...........
Mornings 32° with rain and snow on the way. Gotta take to the doctor for a check-up on her ankle. Hopefully they lift some more of her...
Was good Mike, watched some TV with Mama and fell asleep.
A few of my favorites.[IMG]
Evening Mark & Jason
Doing well Dallas, got feed all the cats and dog. Then find something for dinner. How was your day?
Saw sounds good!
Good evening everyone!
Morning guys
What's all involved in that coil swap?
Looks great Kevin.
Evening guys, just plopped down on the couch.
Doing well, done with my coffee. Now it's time to find something for breakfast. What are you up to today?
Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Morning Dallas!
Good morning everyone! 20°/36°F with no wind, looks like a beautiful day today. I hope you all have a great day and please be safe out there!
Morning Tom All is as good here, just getting my work day started. Be safe out there!
Good morning everyone! 7°/19°F Hope you all have a Super-duper day!