So I have the same cheap leaf blower, it was on sale last year at lowes, I used a 3"-4" rubber coupling. All you have to do is open that door,...
How about the blower that's back there? Should that be cleaned?
Have you tried this? I've used a blade and nothing, rub some cream in circles then the blade all came off. I think the cream eats the crud? [ATTACH]
I don't sell "weapons" , I sell firearms. That's more of a political term they use to take away our 2nd amendment.
My first season I had crap stuck on the glass it wouldn't come off without scraping it with a razor blade. It sure does do something , it...
:eek: Removing the back panel is no easy task when you have a 10" insulated duct there:faint: I was looking at possibly removing the cold air...
I actually just removed it to sneak a peak, I think I would have to put it into maintenance mode so the arms are extended. As it sits, arms closed...
I posted a how to on cleaning and taking off panels , etc on another thread so I won't repost that here. But since it was my install thread, I'll...
I vac the ash off mine and hit it with glass stove top cleaner, it's a cream so rub it in, easily removes all the hard stuff. Looks like a brand...
Do you guys remove the cold air box and clean in the back ? I believe just the combustion fan is back there correct?
I was looking in the manual but no furnace EVL recommendations. What are some of the effects when the EVL is too high?
Monday the house hit 68:faint: Felt a little chill but hung strong! Yesterday house was 75:D
Me either :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:, cheers to that:drunk::drunk:. I'll smoke everyone some meat since the jokes on me.:grizz:
When you said that I was thinking , could be someone got mad over my comments. I was being sarcastic, wasn't mad lol. :drunk::handshake:
Haha, if I get calls for pellets I will be hysterical. I only want calls if you need Firearms and can legally own one lol.
I don't mind the calls if they are business related and if I'm making money lol.
Not sure if your serious but I didn't think of that. Are you guys messin with me now?
I have no clue, they can have it but it doesn't make it right. I can sell you a firearm, but no pellets lol.
Was that meant to be funny, if so here ya go HAHAHAHA.