Hey now; sharing is caring I am ready for spring; chest deep snow in driveway was not fun
55 hp Kubota at 3200 rpm for PTO blower see avatar You still got to push in clutch wait because blower only 2’ high And then wait for 15 mph...
The Wood Wolverine Try lil man.. How is my lil man doing.. My bet in a few years; he will be sticking to you like glue..
Our 6-8 inches turned into 18 inches with 5 foot drifts :jaw:
we were in 6-8 inch range and some sleet Ended up with 18” wish we had some moisture to put a crust on it because the drifts are Impressive!...
Driveway was open winds last night put 5 foot drifts in 1/4 mike driveway.. and driveway is open again with 5 gallons of diesel.. chilly out...
We received 18” of snow .. opened drive 40+ mph wind put 5 foot drifts in 1/4 mile drive Which is seriously uphill both ways but this isn’t...
Currently 6 degrees; 12 -25 mph gusts. Heard furnace kick on loaded some bark less ash
Pics of the build.. Thank you sir for raising them right:handshake:
I am allergic to that kind
My favorite picture of Angus on couch with my MIL [ATTACH] Cracks me up his head is bigger than hers..
Yeah that’s what I was talking about!
MikeInMa I can’t even see the wood just bumps :wacky: Easy 3 feet on ground.. a real winter
Wildbill I am assuming the 91 is a cat stove? my 75 year old uncle loves his mama bear.. uses 7-8 cord a year.. He likes my Woodstock IS cat...
MikeInMa do you have creepers Rubber with metal cleats to put over boots? Ya might want some.. way cheaper then :pain:
Well 15” snow before dark and now 30-40 mph wind gusts.. white out.. party time
I see your 3” raise another 12; we got 15” now and brother just called he killed plow truck.. good news it’s still snowing and not rain sleet or...
8” of fresh snow and still accumulating[ATTACH]
This happened to me when my wood was not dry enough.. also about 25’ chimney cap with wire mesh to keep birds/chipmunk etc out of chimney....