[ATTACH] [ATTACH] It was a first for me too Tim. I had to take a couple pics.
Not a problem Joe we are glad you got to be there as long as you were.
Glad you came Tim. Yeah Rodney's splitter was cool the nephews really had fun using it. We will have to get him a turn the gas on dummy sticker....
Thanks to everyone that came and helped today. The weather wasn't very good but we all had a good time and really appreciate the help.
Yep probably won't be much splitting but I'll have mine there. I'm just hoping for some good times more than anything.
The weather is to be warm on Sunday with the possibility of rain. I am still planning on cutting if we get rained out then I guess we'll shoot the...
You're late Scotty saws are running already.
[ATTACH] loaded and ready for tomorrow.
I'm not sure on a date for next year. I'm in the process of getting a loan and doing an addition on my house so it will all depend on that. Might...
It's been awhile since I posted here so I'm just going to stick with Sunday November 5th. We just want folks to come have some fun and maybe cut...
Kris Wagner not a problem I'm used to being on the road by 6 everyday so I'll be there early again. The Wood Wolverine I'm bringing buffalo...
What time are you planning on getting started? Last year I was just a tad early.
Lol I was thinking about asking the same thing Joe.
Lol just not enough room right Dallas?
Awesome thanks Mark. I am working on some but it's hard to decide what to bring and what to leave behind. I think I have too many saws.
Jason I can bring buffalo chicken dip.
[ATTACH] Nice truck, mine is 2014 I give it a workout quite often. I have had zero issues so far.
It will run. We used to log with one until I got a 288 husky but the old Stihl never let us down.