its 60 sunny and windy here
rain and 53 here coffee time
morning jeff hows you im hoping for snow i much prefer it over rain its raining here today
the 261 is a good saw i have 2 at the moment seems like the mtronic saws need about 5 pulls to get going but after that half a pull is all it...
hows you steve
lol that was in 2016 at randys gtg that was the only time i had the 038 with me it sits in the building now
lol thats one saw i havent owned they say they are good for firewood but too small for me
lol ill be glad when its overwith its just another day for me hows you
lol you shouldnt play with electric hows you
lol the only thing you get right lol oem or you will be replacing aftermarket rubber parts in a year and a half
helping a buddy in his garage hanging drywall and stuff
lol over there its eat or be eaten lol hows you
lol ive been told that before took today and tomorrow off and then i have 10 more sheets of 5/8 drywall to hang in my buddys garage already did...
get busy slacker
lol flatlander snow is alot better than rain doing the same thing or something different ?
it needs to be snowing thats alot better than rain
and if you go out you will run huh ? lol i wont do anything in the rain usually
afternoon slacker and its been raining here today hows you
lol can get glock mike to powder the cases for you and dye the plastics so what kinda job offers you have sucks about you getting laid off in...
looking good there looks like mig ? im ok relax mode today id say the injection saws will be good for work but wont be able to race because of...