Did they put a smart meter in?
I broke my ribs several places while voting in at kiddo's school 2022. Husband and daughter had a lot of practice with that old steel one.
:rofl: :lol:
First fly of the year, like a husky iridescent version of a house fly. Wow, in Feb!
Gooey Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies | Butternut Bakery
:D :D
Where did I set my glasses down on the way to and the way back from the toilet?
We're in a warm spell too, enjoying it!
I see, thank you.
Maybe it's in a different tab then the ones I checked? Idk pyro.
I see a generic is $289 (didn't check shipping). I don't see cats on the Blaze King website?
Time passes too fast. Kiddo is at a Christian youth conference and cannot spare more than 5 seconds to talk to mommy. So it begins...
I see, thanks.
That makes sense :)