We had a county cop that if he pulled you over and read you the riot act, you didn't get a ticket. One day an Indiana State trooper pulled me...
Chevy Nova or Plymouth/Dodge Duster?
Making our cattle manure worth more. Have a large pile of composted manure that I am going to spread a light coat over the hayfield after the...
Those are beautiful slabs!! Make me drool!!
Wonder how many pictures they have of me peeing behind the barn! :faint:
Yeah but you have to redo the whole roof and then the extension doesn't show up so fast.
I am of the used oil group. Firm believer and user of it on my wooden decked trailers and wagons. Hot day, direct sunlight and apply. It will...
Beautiful work!! That will last lifetimes!
WTF, where's the firewood, good one!!! My oldest sister didn't know what it meant, an elderly lady would text their pastor after church services,...
Now that looks neat! Plano, made in IL near Joliet if I remember correctly. Thanks for the specific example, makes it harder for me to ignore it!
My wife surprised me with the same thing day before yesterday. Been years since she made me a batch of chocolate chip cookies. No raw cookie...