Good morning all. 39* heading to 45*. Sunny. Glad your feeliing better. Good pic of Judy. Blackberry picking maybe. Good haul Chvymn99....
Good morning everybody. Heading to mid 40s with clear blue skies. Chaz did a little splitting last night. He still has some logs that need to be...
Good afternoon everybody. 34/35 temps Cloudy. Will be in the 40s tomorrow. The snow is half melted yesterday. Have a great day everybody.
Sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Remember the good times.
Good morning everybody. Woke up to 45 and sunny. Well Chaz rolled me out of bed. Lol Going to be indoor stuff today. Like laundry. Have a...
Good morning everybody. 0 going to mid 20s. Had a deer feeding on our yew bushes just now. I couldn't see over wood stack but Chaz could. Have a...
Good morning everybody. 6 out cloudy and have 14mpg winds. Will be sitting on this till around 9. am tomorrow morning. Then will start to warm...
Good morning everybody. 27 going to 33. Sunny out there today. Single digits starts tomorrow. Have a great day everybody.
We have yew in our front yard that they munch on. A DNR gave me a suggestion that if I have the trees, to take some 3/4 inches around to cut 3/4...
Welcome to FHC. You'll like it here. We like beer, dogs and pics. Lots of pics. We have a lot of very knowledgeable people who are willing to...
Neat looking helicopter.
Good morning everybody. 18 heading out to 23. Mostly cloudy with a light wind. Chaz hasn't liked the draft on the stove lately so he cleaned out...
Would love to but my physical capabilities really went down hill this year.
Ya we aren't at the 3 year mark yet. We are getting there. With Chaz hurting his ribs and also his knee surgery put us behind a bit. He likes...
Good afternoon everybody. 18 going on 24. We got beautiful sunshine out there. That wasn't in the forecast this morning. Jeff thanks. He said...
Good afternoon all. 27 heading to 34. Been having a few light flurries today. Found out one of my sons has covid. Manly fever and chills and a...
Be safe on those roads.
Another ouch here . Glad you don't need surgery.
Good afternoon all. Started at 27, currently 40 with light rain. Chaz brought wood down to the porch yesterday. The last of the first rack we...
Good morning everybody. 34 and sunny. The other day Chaz got a ticket for head light being out. So after getting home from work, fixed the head...