Heh. Mine is not having to turn over every few hours... because I pee'd. :whistle:
Thought I'd bump this- Have a new Kershaw on the way. Launch 13 auto. 2.5 oz, so 'ought to be good for concealed carry. Anyone have or use one?
WARNING !!! Do not play " Coco Jambo"!!! WARNING !!! It's a trap !
Oh yeah,wildwest , watching Sound of Music now, so that trumps a broken down flying coach.... :thumbs:
O. My. Lord . I'm gonna have that song in my head until this is done. Thanks, you suck. :salute:
WTF ? This is not an election season.... :confused: ;) I'm out for a few, colonoscopy on Monday so I'm "cleansing" fairly soon. Don't take it...
"Red dress woman" thread being - locked. :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl:...
Interesting to me is I've shared stories with people over the years, mostly Coloradan's but a number from New Mexico and Arizona. None volunteered...
I was perusing a few "news" sites, and this topic was right up there along sides our POTUS and dementia. Take that for what you will.... So, who...
Mine was a .454. Really easy to shoot with Win. mid-power loads. Sold it back to the original owner when he got back on his feet (financially).
Sad to hear this. They leave a big hole when they pass.
They are a quality revolver, hands down. I hope to pick another one up in the future, very accurate if you do your part. * They are "snappy" from...
That's a beauty! I'm a fan of the FA .454's, shot a number of prototypes in the early 90's. Solid and well made. I've got a Ruger SRH 7.5" that...
That author is- I'm sorry, - just another stupid, emotional woman using her position to try to advance her ideals.
....hand out pork-chop wallets.
Polar Penguin work well for me.
Satellite is back up finally. Boy, that got heavy and wet quick! Had to run the snowblower about 6 hrs yesterday and a little today. It's warm and...
About a foot so far, but it's stalled and coming straight down now. Probably another foot by the morning if it keeps up, but not a record breaker....
It's barely snowing right now. Big dump will start later today.