Gettin some crust on...[ATTACH]
nice!! thats a cold blast lantern very nice
[ATTACH] pork loin from previous pics
Scored a sweet PA RR latern today[ATTACH]
I like to call them "angry"
i get them every once in a while at market 32.....they are sweet for sure
Bobby Joe got a new attachment [ATTACH]
Today's score....[ATTACH]
17°and droppin cookin on da bronco asiago peppercorn pork filet [ATTACH]
501 echo
First muffler mod of the day....[ATTACH]
4 of the usual suspects in custody @ the compound™ [ATTACH]
34° and raining purty good..21" per hr,two pits coming up to temp.[ATTACH]
Cherry going tonite[ATTACH]
From 5.7lb to 2.5lb....[ATTACH]