[ATTACH] slice and glaze...
[ATTACH] got a little glaze mixed up in the red solo cup
Flat iron on da bronco[ATTACH]
Breaded chicken tenders that I took the tendon out of[ATTACH]
Winter storm warning breakfast @the compound™ with home made sausage..[ATTACH]
Finished product at the compound® [ATTACH]
She's looking purty good unwrapped Minnie!![ATTACH]
Temping about 168°I'm gonna wrap for a bit[ATTACH]
Gonna make me some chips in a bit...[ATTACH]
Got a small pork roast in da bronco cause I'm gonna make some Cuban type sammichs tomorrow [ATTACH]
Scored a minty Penn Central today....[ATTACH]
Wheres Minnie[ATTACH]
Scored a N&W lantern[ATTACH] someone tried to clean it up...not a fan of that but its still in good shape..maybe ill leave it outside for a few months
[ATTACH] Oh darn...
[ATTACH] only available @the Compound©
with egg....
[ATTACH] south county onion smash burgers @ the compound™