That reminds me of the design that Franzen uses on the chain sharpeners they manufacture. It is cool!
Congratulations Folks! Many happy years ahead together!!!!!
Best apple crop we’ve had here in a few years.
Looking to buy some 20” loops of Oregon 72LGX fellas. Anyone know of decent prices currently? Thanks!
Beautiful! Once again, thank you for taking the time to share this with us!!!!!
I think the same thing every year when I go out to brush hog our farm with the cab less tractor. I keep telling my wife someday when I grow up...
Praying for you this evening Brad.
No thank you!!!
Most store bought wines contain sulfites with don’t always agree with everyone. Some say they can cause headaches. No worries with your home made...
Thank you!!!!!
Could you tell us where you bought the heavy duty trimmer line from? Thanks!:)
Glad to hear it works well. Will it fit in Stihl trimmer heads?
Very interesting. I didn’t know you could do that. Thank you.:)
What if you don’t cut your firewood at one of their predetermined lengths? Is there a way to adjust for say 18” or 20” ?
I remember her!
Not being political here & not directing this at any particular party. It’s much bigger than that in my opinion. I believe the establishment wants...
Thank you again for taking the time to share your wonderful experiance with us all!:):cheers:
Unfortunately been to hot for a fire here the last few evenings.:faint: