No doubt that stove heat is better .
No ill thoughts at all. Just asking as the fuel cost has to be added into the electricity cost.
13 ear old Troy Bilt Bronco ride mower with Kohler Courage 19 HP engine :startled: died on me last weekend. Was running fine for an hour or so,...
This all makes sense if you already have pellets like you do. Curious if you would feel the same if buying at today's price points for fuel?
At least there is an actual volume knob for the radio. Reports are now saying that the lack of physical buttons and switches is causing increase...
Locally its around 3.89. Up .10 in the last week. I pre bought 350 gallons at $3.45 a month ago. Several months ago I swore I would not do that...
X3 !
The compound has been infiltrated and compromised!!
Hopefully Brodie handles the meds well.
Those are both softies. My question is Are Wood and Son considered better than Matra?
X2 !!
He sounds like a sweetheart!! I'm sure mom and dad will coddle him during treatments. Hoping it all goes easily
They actually went up .25-.30 over a 5–7 day period a few weeks ago on rte 125 in the Rochester/Barrington area. .20 happened overnight.
I didnt use the mini splits for heat last year due to higher elect costs. Another balancing act this year with oil taking the front seat, pellets...
B, yours is Fujitsu correct? 2 years at this point? My Samsung system is working really well but at 1 year old it should be. As I couldn't get...
Maybe because they didnt get the $$ to install? Could be off base here but.....
Goes good on chicken and pork as well