Not right in the middle of firewooding. It not a Stihl and doesn't need it.
Pretty good, how's you?
Don't worry Tom, Dallas would be lucky to have the hide off by now if he were doing the same chore. #superslacker
Waidmanns Heil!
Evening guys, raining here all day today. Cooked a lot of food to warm up the house. Lol :chef:
Hey there guys, good long day at work today, which is a good thing as more rain is coming our way again.
Doing well today, how about the Slackmaster?
Did a couple of small jobs today for work, now to see what else I can get into.
Pretty good Tom, you get that moose all put up yet?
Hello there fellas.
Feeling better I think.
I guess so, looks like a dandy you have there. Good job.
Is this thing back on?
Sup slacker hoes?
Looks like I killed this again, my work is done here... toodles.