7. Ash and two splits of something that I’m unsure of are keeping the boiler hanging on. I turned the heat up a bit in the attached garage for...
Caffeine! Took most of yesterday off from exercising. Today there will be plenty of it, moving firewood and other work around the property!
[ATTACH] Ash in the Wood Gun
Tired right out here. Relaxing for the last hour of the day. Three day weekend off. Hope to cut some firewood for next season. But have other...
15. Ash. Going to 25 today! :thumbs:
2. Elm and Ash.
7 tonight. I brought in large, long pieces of Ash earlier today. Because it’s going to 1 overnight. Just loaded it up. Going to bed early.
Ash ran out last night. Catch up time. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Ash is keeping us warm.
Bills V Ravens!
Try lying on your back, eyes closed, hands over each other on your stomach. Relax each muscle from head down slowly. Breathing deep, slow breaths,...
13. Ash and Elm
Chiefs V Texans Good game so far.
28. Straight Ash this morning.
My 20 year old son and my wife like to turn the closed caption on when watching a movie now. Same reason. I don’t like seeing text on the screen...
Caffeine going in. Have to sit down at the desk today and go through all the mail/bills and get that taken care of. :rolleyes: But, after that, it...
17. Just loaded the wood chamber with Elm and Ash. Should be good till 6am
[ATTACH] Ash and a little Elm in this morning. Woke up to an empty boiler wood chamber this morning. Had to do a quick fire build with a little...
Caffeine. Couple days off. Been busy with all kinds of small stuff lately. Going to take a little downtime today. And get some good, enjoyable...
God’s speed to a quick and full recovery for both of you Savs!