How about that Delta Airplane upside down at Toronto Airport? WTH?
[ATTACH] Big piles everywhere. My feet now warming on boiler. Ooo. That’s hot! Mmmm. Hot socks.
6. Says feels like -9. Straight White Ash in the boiler. It is now playing catch up after it burned out last night. I got up at 5:30 and reloaded...
Caffeine! Almost time to dress up warm and start moving snow again. Used the L45 to move snow after I got home from work last night. Spent a hour...
Caffeine! Used the tractor last night from 7:30-8:30 to move the first 5” we had received already. Looks like it slowed down some overnight before...
18. Ash and Elm.
St. Lawrence River Valley in the reddish pink…..[ATTACH] :picard:
Here comes the next one…… [ATTACH] Ash, Elm, and a few Box Alder splits. Depending on where you look, we might get 4-8” of snow by Monday. Or we...
[ATTACH] Just loaded Elm, Ash, and Box Alder.
Caffeine! Snowing. Workhouse soon.
:rofl: :lol:I do not know who Andy is. :whistle:
[ATTACH] Elm and Ash in the Wood Gun
Thank you all for the Birthday wishes. Appreciate it.
Thank you. I enjoyed the day by getting some things done around the house, and relaxing. Wife, son, and I had a quiet supper, then wife and I went...
Caffeine! Going to bring more firewood in today, and move snow to make room for the next snow. That is coming Wednesday night into Thursday and...
I have done the leaving the fuel off before. :picard:Gotta laugh about it!:doh::handshake:
Went to a park this morning. 60s. Then back to daughter’s house for lunch. Then out for a boat ride. 71 and full sunshine. Then out for dinner at...
Playing with the Grandkids in a warmer climate![ATTACH] The little guy has more energy than I.