I think there's at least 2 threads. Don't remember who got 'em started though. Batteries are still expensive.
Yep, 20 minutes and we have DQ! :dancer:
Good to know. We usually stop t the outlet stores in Birch Run and there's a DQ right next door. The one in Hillman is closer though. :handshake:
Cool, cool. Now, where's the flashlight? :D
Thought this was Ahnuld for a minute. :dex: [IMG]
I got all the way through, but I'll need to reread it several times before remembering even one of 'em. Now, which one should I pick? Just woke up...
Mmmmmm, DQ. Wonder if they're open yet? Is there a site that mentions how long the virus stays on DQ?
Yowza. U bin bizzy. :yes:
I highly dislike folks driving real slow down the road, unless there's a lot of snow or ice. If I'm outside, I'll give 'em a wave....just to let...
$1.25 at the BP yesterday. :dex:Filled up the truck.
Thought maybe I was the only one who caught that. Shoulda' known better.:dex:
Making Al-pig-as
I got the Pferd too. Looks exactly the same, but different color combo. I love it. Well, I like it a lot.
You may have to 'splain that to a few. :whistle:
Yep, I won't stay inside if the weather's nice, but I'll be either in the shop or cuttin' wood in .....as Mike Morgan calls it, the Renewable...
Fricken hilarious Dave. :rofl: :lol: Made my morning. :dex:
What I got was that she's a butt head. :picard::rofl: :lol: Yep. Aaand, we like it that way.:dex:
Well, that was unexpected. Funny, but unexpected. :D